

prayer rug

[ prair ]


  1. a small rug upon which a Muslim kneels and prostrates himself during his devotions.

prayer rug

/ prɛə /


  1. the small carpet on which a Muslim kneels and prostrates himself while saying his prayers Also calledprayer mat

prayer rug

  1. A mat upon which Muslims kneel to say their prayers.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of prayer rug1

First recorded in 1900–05

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Example Sentences

In the arbour was spread an exquisite prayer-rug, and for her there was a low chair, with a cushion before it for her feet.

She turned, and saw Baroudi praying, on a prayer-rug with a niche woven in it, which was duly set towards Mecca.

Suddenly she ran into the library, and knelt rigidly on a rug which she had heard her mother refer to as a 'prayer rug.'

Will you kindly ask the servants where the little Persian prayer-rug and the parcel which I brought with me have been placed?

She seemed as rare, as beautiful as an exquisite prayer-rug grown soft and precious with mellow suns and golden years.



